One Hundred and Counting!
Join Us for UHD's 50th Anniversary Dance Video

More than 100 students, faculty, and staff have registered to be a part of history in the making: UHD's 50th anniversary dance video. Join the fun at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 23 at the Wellness & Success Center. The rehearsal and performance for the cameras will only take a little over two hours. All participants will receive a souvenir 50th anniversary t-shirt and lunch while experiencing one of the most fun activities planned for our special anniversary year.

Not only that, renowned local, hip-hop dancer and choreographer, Joel Rivera, in partnership with Dance Houston, is choreographing the relatively simple, short dance sequence. UHD's professional videography team will be on hand to tape the dance, later editing it to appear as a live "flash mob" to be shown on UHD's social media channels and upcoming videos.

Participants must:

  • Register in advance.
  • Be available from 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 23.
  • Sign a release form the day of videotaping agreeing to have their image used for UHD's social media and videos.
  • Wear appropriate street clothes or workout clothing that covers the shoulders and torso to mid-thigh. No strapless tops, ultra short skirts or shorts, and bare midriffs will be allowed.

Let's dance! Learn more at