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Grievance - Staff - Employee Process Guide

  1. Preliminary Appeal
  2. Administrative Appeal
  3. Formal Appeal

Preliminary Appeal

Step 1

Grievant submits a written request to Second-level Supervisor with issue and proposed resolution within 10 days of act, event, decision or condition that is basis for appeal

Step 2

Second-level Supervisor responds to Grievant in writing to uphold decision or overturn action within 10 days of receipt of appeal

Step 3

Second-level Supervisor's response resolves issue and grievance process ends or Grievant initiates an Administrative Appeal

Administrative Appeal

Step 1

Grievant submits a written request to Vice President/Division Head with issue and proposed resolution within 10 days of Second-level Supervisor response

Step 2

Vice President/Division Head responds to Grievant in writing either upholding decision of Second-level Supervisor or overturning the action.

Step 3

Vice President/Division Head's response resolves issue and grievance process ends or Grievant initiates a Formal Appeal

Formal Appeal

Step 1

Grievant completes Staff Grievance Intake and Resolution Form and submits to Employee Relations Officer within 10 days of Administrative Appeal response

Step 2

Employee Relations Officer schedules a Grievance hearing to review the issue within 30 days of receipt of form

Step 3

Employee Relations Officer sends a notice to Grievant and Respondent 15 days prior to hearing

Step 4

Grievant and Respondent submit documents, list of witnesses and notification if represented by legal counsel within 5 days of hearing

Step 5

Grievance Hearing convenes and Grievance Hearing Panel deliberates

Step 6

Grievance Hearing Panel completes hearing panel recommended findings on form and submits to Employee Relations Officer within 3 days after hearing

Step 7

Employee Relations Officer submits form to Vice President, HR, who delivers form to the President

Step 8

President accepts or rejects Panel's findings or remands Panel for further deliberations within 10 days of receipt of form

The Grievant may proceed to the administrative appeal process if the employee's second-level supervisor is a vice president/division head.

The Grievant may proceed to the formal appeal process if the employee's first-level supervisor is a vice president/division head or the grievance is the result of a termination.