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Topic Groups

Teaching Circle Topic Groups 

Online Course Design and Content Delivery

Teaching Circles in this group will focus on implementing and evaluating specific evidence-based online teaching and course design strategies. These might be strategies for effective online group work, utilizing instructional video, encouraging academic integrity, or creating an intuitive and well-organized course design. A review of the workshop topics offered by the Online Learning Consortium is a good way to identify other possible circle ideas in this topic group.   

Integrating Academic Support Services: 
At UHD, students have access to many support services such as the Academic Support Center or Supplemental Instruction program. The focus of this topic group will be on the integration of these services into course design and content delivery. This might include approaches for enhancing course design or reinforcing learning success strategies as part of content coverage.

Trauma-Informed Teaching
Uncertainty and stress make teaching and learning more difficult. Beginning with being mindful of our own well-being as educators, trauma-informed teaching involves 1. creating a safe environment by reducing uncertainty for students, 2. developing connection by cultivating community, and 3. providing care and support by prioritizing well-being and reflection. Circles in this group will focus on exploring and implementing specific strategies to accomplish one or more of these objectives. Learn more about Trauma-Informed Teaching here.

Flexible Instructional Frameworks
An instructional framework is a set of pedagogical strategies shown to be effective in various contexts. They can be adapted according to individual teaching styles. A good framework is 1. Evidence-based, 2. Structured, 3. Flexible, 4. Transferable, and 5. Logical. Examples of frameworks include Team-Based Learning (TBL), Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, Peer Instruction, and the list goes on. Faculty in one of these circles will explore ways to adapt a specific framework or part of a framework to their teaching style and context.

Innovative Course Design
Teaching Circles in this topic group will develop, implement, and/or assess best practices and innovation in course design that support improved student engagement, motivation, and learning. These efforts might provide a foundation on which to organize a larger scale course redesign project as part of the CTLE program called the Course Innovation Initiative (CI2). TCs in this group should focus on integration of evidence-based teaching strategies into specific target courses to address specific challenges.