UHD / Academic Affairs / College of Sciences & Technology / Department of Computer Science & Engineering Technology / Laboratory Safety
Laboratory Safety
Laboratory Safety: General Safety Guidelines
UHD faculty, staff, and students must abide by the following general lab safety guidelines when working in any ET lab:
- Closed-toe shoes must be worn in all laboratories. Sandals or open-toed shoes are prohibited.
- Long hair must be tied-back. Employees and students should also wear clothing that minimizes exposed skin surfaces.
- Students and visitors must wear eye protection/hard hats/gloves as required within the lab.
- Students should know the location of fire extinguishers, fire exits, evacuation routes, and fire alarm pull stations.
- The Health and Safety Manager will provide training on the appropriate use of fire extinguishers and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
- Equipment must be in good working order before conducting any experiment.
- Equipment can only be used if the experimenter has appropriate training and may only be used as directed.
- Experiments that can be left safely unattended for any length of time must be properly identified with a posted sign that notifies the reader of the contact person, cell phone number, and any hazards or considerations of the experiment.
- Hazardous materials will be used with caution and only with proof of proper training.
- If an injury occurs in the lab that requires medical attention, call 911 or x8911 immediately. For all incidents, please consult the Laboratory Emergency Notification List for specific notification requirements.
- All injuries or near misses must be reported to the ET office (738-North) immediately. A report of Safety/Health Hazard and Near Miss form will be completed. Students and visitors will also complete a Student/Visitor Accident Report.
Laboratory Emergency Notification Phone Numbers
A. In the event of any laboratory safety event, notify:
- ET Laboratory Coordinator .............................................713-221-8694
- Chief Safety Officer (CSO) - ET Chairperson ...............713-221-5272
- ET Office Administrative Secretary ……………….......713-221-8089
- Environmental Health & Safety Manager ...........................713-221-8040
B. In the event of a major laboratory safety event, notify:
- ET Laboratory Coordinator ...............................................713-221-8694
- ET Chairperson - CSO ...................................................713-221-5272
- Environmental Health & Safety Manager ............................713-221-8040
- Facilities Management .........................................................713-221-8026
- UHD Police .........................................................................713-221-8065
- Dean of College of Sciences and Technology ........................713-221-8019
- Associate V.P. Academic Affairs ............................................713-221-8099
- President of UHD ................................................................713-221-8001
C. In the event of a major laboratory safety event after hours, notify:
- UHD Police ………………………………………..............713-221-8065
- 911 (if injury or danger) …………………………................911 (or x9-911)
For non-emergency requests or information, contact the ET Office N738, Phone: 713-221-8089.
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