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Internship Course Credit (iProgram)

The Marilyn Davies College of Business allows up to two undergraduate courses (6 semester credit hours) in Field Experience to be applied toward undergraduate graduation requirements. Each experience must be a different internship or if you are with the same company must include a different experience than what you previously completed. MPAC students may enroll in ACC 6322 for Field Experience to be applied towards graduate graduation requirements. MBA students do not qualify to receive course credit.

These courses are graded on a pass/fail basis and do not apply toward the calculation of the grade point average. Field Experience credit may NOT be used to satisfy minor program requirements, except for Insurance & Risk Management. Students will be responsible for any fees associated with Field Experience Courses.

Students are required to complete a minimum of 120 work hours at the internship site in order to receive credit. Other aspects of course requirements will be provided below and/or in the course syllabus for your respective major.

Note: You may not perform an internship at a site in which any family member is the employer. You must be actively employed with the internship to be eligible to receive Field Experience. We do not award credit for completed internship experience.

COVID-19 Field Experience Exception: You may perform an internship at your current place of employment, however, it must be with the commitment from you and your direct manager that the internship is cross-functional or rotational in nature for the purpose of upskilling or development.

To apply for an internship for course credit (Field Experience) follow these steps:

  1. Log on to GatorHired
  2. Select "My Internships" from the menu located on the right side of the page under your initials
  3. Select "Add New Experience"
  4. Complete the form
Internship Participation Acknowledgement

All students who gain an internship and wish to receive course credit must sign the Internship Participation Acknowledgment which states the following "I acknowledge that there may be risks associated with my participation in this activity which may include, but are not limited to, illness or personal injury caused by exposure to illnesses (including but not limited to communicable diseases such as influenza and COVID-19), infections, and other potential issues typically associated with such settings." Acknowledgment form will be provided to the student.

Requirements for pursuing Accounting Field Experience:

Undergrad Prerequisites:

Completed at least 60 semester credit hours completed in the degree program. Completed at least 2 courses (6 hours) in accounting.


Minimum grade point of 2.5.


Must be either a junior, senior or graduating student.


Submit a report on what knowledge you have learnt about accounting, describe your duties and responsibilities in detail. Must include what you have gained about accounting and other professional skills that you can take into your future employment. The total length of the report is 5 pages and single-spaced and submitted on Canvas.

Students must complete ALL required evaluations by the end of their internship semester via their GatorHiRED account.  In addition, their Employer Supervisor must complete the Employer Final Evaluation Survey (or provide a copy of their internal company intern evaluation), near the end of the Field Experience through your GatorHired account.

Application Deadline:

View 3-year academic calendar for deadline date.

Note: Applications submitted after the deadline are approved at the Department Chairs discretion.


Dr. Raghunathan Venugopalan, ACCI Dept. Chair

Requirements for pursuing Applied Administration Field Experience:


Completed at least 60 semester credit hours in the degree program, declared non-business major, completion of Common Core, and approval from program coordinator or department chair. Internships must be a new experience that pertains to applied administration.


Minimum grade point of 2.5 or prior approval of program coordinator or department chair.


A series of 5 graded activities will be submitted via Canvas throughout the semester. The assignments will cover the following topics:

  1. Organization chart of field experience workplace and student's goals
  2. Information technology used in the field experience
  3. Communication strategies used in the field experience
  4. Problems and concerns encountered during the field experience
  5. Summary of the field experience that includes any problems/concerns during the field experience and benefits gained from the experience

A Supervisor Evaluation must be completed by the student's field experience workplace supervisor near the end of the Field Experience and emailed to the field experience instructor of record by the designated due date. Details of the Supervisor Evaluation are provided in the course syllabus and in the Canvas course.

Application Deadline:

View 3-year academic calendar for deadline date.

Note: Applications submitted after the deadline are approved at the Department Chairs discretion.


Dr. Nathan Neale, MGT Dept. Chair

Requirements for pursuing Finance Field Experience:


Completed at least 60 semester credit hours completed in the degree program. Completed at least 2 courses (6 hours) in Finance.


Minimum grade point of 2.5.


Must be either a junior, senior or graduating student.


Write a 5-10 page term paper (single spaced) will be submitted via Canvas at the end of the semester. The paper will cover the following topics:

  1. The company's organizational chart and where you fit into it
  2. Your responsibilities within the company and how they relate to topics covered in your Finance coursework
  3. Problems or issues you encountered in the workplace and how they were addressed
  4. Experiences gained during the internship that you can use throughout your career
  5. Compare how your overall internship experience relates to what your expectations were at the beginning of the process

Students must complete ALL required evaluations by the end of their internship semester via their GatorHiRED account.  In addition, their Employer Supervisor must complete the Employer Final Evaluation Survey (or provide a copy of their internal company intern evaluation), near the end of the Field Experience through your GatorHired account.

Application Deadline:

View 3-year academic calendar for deadline date.

Note: Applications submitted after the deadline are approved at the Department Chairs discretion.


Dr. Anisul Islam, FISER Dept. Chair

Requirements for pursuing General Business Field Experience:


Completed at least 60 semester credit hours completed in the degree program. Completed at least 2 courses (6 hours) in General Business.Internships must be a new experience that pertains to their chosen major or minor field. Current jobs are considered only if there is a new role accepted within the organization with relevant responsibilities that give new knowledge.


Minimum grade point of 2.5.


Deliver a presentation to the chair and your immediate internship supervisor at the end of the semester.

Students must complete ALL required evaluations by the end of their internship semester via their GatorHiRED account.  In addition, their Employer Supervisor must complete the Employer Final Evaluation Survey (or provide a copy of their internal company intern evaluation), near the end of the Field Experience through your GatorHired account.

Application Deadline:

View 3-year academic calendar for deadline date.

Note: Applications submitted after the deadline are approved at the Department Chairs discretion.


Dr. Steve B. Zhou, GMSC Dept. Chair

Requirements for pursuing HRM Field Experience:


Completed at least 60 semester credit hours completed in the degree program. Completed at least 2 courses (6 hours) in HRM.

Minimum grade point of 2.5.
Must be either a junior, senior or graduating student.

Write a 5-10 page term paper (single spaced) will be submitted via Canvas at the end of the semester. The paper will cover the following topics:

  1. The company's organizational chart and where you fit into it
  2. Your responsibilities within the company and how they relate to topics covered in your HRM coursework
  3. Problems or issues you encountered in the workplace and how they were addressed
  4. Experiences gained during the internship that you can use throughout your career as an HR professional
  5. Compare how your overall internship experience relates to what your expectations were at the beginning of the process

Students must complete ALL required evaluations by the end of their internship semester via their GatorHiRED account.  In addition, their Employer Supervisor must complete the Employer Final Evaluation Survey (or provide a copy of their internal company intern evaluation), near the end of the Field Experience through your GatorHired account.

Application Deadline:

View 3-year academic calendar for deadline date.

Note: Applications submitted after the deadline are approved at the Department Chairs discretion.

Dr. Guolei (Chris) Zhang, Asst. Professor, MGT Dept.

Requirements for pursuing RMI Field Experience:


Completed the 42-hour common core with at least 60 credit hours completed toward the BBA

Completed at least 2 courses (6 hours) in risk management and insurance.


Must have an overall GPA of 2.5

  1. Planning Assignment: The student will review the Planning Grading Criteria listed on the Syllabus.
  2. Meeting Assignment: The student will be required to arrange a meeting at the internship company's office with the RMI Director, the Supervisor(s) (including anyone who will be supervising the student's work), and the student.
  3. Writing Assignment #1: Submit a written 5-10 page written description of the entity's history, global/national/local position, owner/leadership structure, operations, and revenues. Include sites to your resources and a company organizational chart that indicates where you are located within the company structure. To be submitted on Canvas.
  4. Writing Assignment #2: Submit a written description of your position and activities with the agency/company with which you are interning. Provide a description of the scope of work for your position, describe the work you are performing including, meetings attended, other people involved, and indicate your and their role on any team assignments. Describe projects on which you have worked, and any training you have received or professional licenses on which you have worked or have received. To be submitted on Canvas.
  5. Writing Assignment #3: Using information from your first two papers, the final paper should be an analysis of the benefits the internship has provided, and reasons why you would or would not seek a fulltime permanent position with the company.
  6. Evaluation Assignment: Student and their Supervisor must complete the Evaluation Survey near the end of the Field Experience through your GatorHired account.
Application Deadline:

View 3-year academic calendar for deadline date.

Note: Applications submitted after the deadline are approved at the Department Chairs discretion.


Dr. Pamela Hurley, Assoc. Professor, FISER Dept.

Requirements for pursuing International Business Field Experience:


Completed at least 60 semester credit hours completed in the degree program. Completed at least 2 courses (6 hours) in international business. The internship must have an international flavor or component to it.


Minimum grade point of 2.5.


Submit a report on what they have learnt about international business, describe your duties and responsibilities in detail. Must include what knowledge you have gained and other professional skills that you can take into your future employment. The total length of the report is 5 pages, single-spaced and submitted to Canvas.

Students must complete ALL required evaluations by the end of their internship semester via their GatorHiRED account.  In addition, their Employer Supervisor must complete the Employer Final Evaluation Survey (or provide a copy of their internal company intern evaluation), near the end of the Field Experience through your GatorHired account.

Application Deadline:

View 3-year academic calendar for deadline date.

Note: Applications submitted after the deadline are approved at the Department Chairs discretion.


Dr. Raghunathan Venugopalan, ACCI Dept. Chair

Requirements for pursuing Management Field Experience:


Completed at least 60 semester credit hours completed in the degree program. Must have completed 4 management courses. Internships must be a new experience that pertains to their chosen major or minor field.

Minimum grade point of 2.5.

Submit an academic paper on skills and knowledge you have gained on completion of your internship to GatorHired.

Students must complete ALL required evaluations by the end of their internship semester via their GatorHiRED account.  In addition, their Employer Supervisor must complete the Employer Final Evaluation Survey (or provide a copy of their internal company intern evaluation), near the end of the Field Experience through your GatorHired account.

Application Deadline:

View 3-year academic calendar for deadline date.

Note: Applications submitted after the deadline are approved at the Department Chairs discretion.


Dr. Nathan Neale, MGT Dept. Chair

Requirements for pursuing MIS Field Experience:


Completed at least 60 semester credit hours completed in the degree program. Completed at least 2 courses (6 hours) in MIS.

Minimum grade point of 2.5.
Must be either a junior, senior or graduating student.

Write a 5-10 page term paper (single spaced) will be submitted via Blackboard at the end of the semester. The paper will cover the following topics:

  1. The company's organizational chart and where you fit into it
  2. Your responsibilities within the company and how they relate to topics covered in your MIS coursework
  3. Problems or issues you encountered in the workplace and how they were addressed
  4. Experiences gained during the internship that you can use throughout your career
  5. Compare how your overall internship experience relates to what your expectations were at the beginning of the process

Students must complete ALL required evaluations by the end of their internship semester via their GatorHiRED account.  In addition, their Employer Supervisor must complete the Employer Final Evaluation Survey (or provide a copy of their internal company intern evaluation), near the end of the Field Experience through your GatorHired account.

Application Deadline:

View 3-year academic calendar for deadline date.

Note: Applications submitted after the deadline are approved at the Department Chairs discretion.

Dr. Anisul Islam, FISER Dept. Chair

Requirements for pursuing Marketing Field Experience:


Completed at least 60 semester credit hours completed in the degree program. Completed at least 2 courses (6 hours) in marketing.Internships must be a new experience that pertains to your chosen major or minor field. Current jobs are considered only if there is a new role accepted within the organization with relevant responsibilities that give new knowledge.

Minimum grade point of 2.5.

Deliver a presentation to the chair and their immediate internship supervisor at the end of the semester.

Students must complete ALL required evaluations by the end of their internship semester via their GatorHiRED account.  In addition, their Employer Supervisor must complete the Employer Final Evaluation Survey (or provide a copy of their internal company intern evaluation), near the end of the Field Experience through your GatorHired account.

Application Deadline:

View 3-year academic calendar for deadline date.

Note: Applications submitted after the deadline are approved at the Department Chairs discretion.


Steve B. Zhou, GMSC Dept. Chair

Requirements for pursuing Supply Chain Management Field Experience:


Completed at least 60 semester credit hours completed in the degree program. Completed at least 2 courses (6 hours) in Supple Chain Management. The internship must be a new experience that pertains to their chosen major or minor field. Current jobs are considered only if there is a new role accepted within the organization with relevant responsibilities that give new knowledge.

Minimum grade point of 2.5.

Deliver a presentation to the chair and their immediate supervisor at the end of the term.

Students must complete ALL required evaluations by the end of their internship semester via their GatorHiRED account.  In addition, their Employer Supervisor must complete the Employer Final Evaluation Survey (or provide a copy of their internal company intern evaluation), near the end of the Field Experience through your GatorHired account.

Application Deadline:

View 3-year academic calendar for deadline date.

Note: Applications submitted after the deadline are approved at the Department Chairs discretion.


Dr. Steve B. Zhou, GMSC Dept. Chair