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Tuition Assistance/ArmyIgnited

Army Ignited tuition assistance path is outlined below:

Education Path Outbound: File is sent from ARMY IGNITED to EI

  • ARMY IGNITED students will submit an Education Path to indicate their intent to complete a degree where they will request financial assistance
  • ARMY IGNITED will provide Educational Institutions (EI) with information on a student’s submitted Education Path
  • Student submits Tuition Assistance Request to the University of Houston-Downtown Student Accounting

Student Degree Plan In bound: File is sent from EI to ARMY IGNITED

  • EIs will provide ARMY IGNITED with a student’s Degree Plan (SDP), which includes the courses required for degree completion
  • ARMY IGNITED will utilize a SDP to track a student’s progress throughout their degree

Class Enrollment Inbound: File is sent from EI to ARMY IGNITED

  • When a student has registered for a course and submitted a request for certification, they will provide ARMY IGNITED with the course enrollment details
  • ARMY IGNITED will use Class Enrollment data to provide accurate information within TA requests and streamline approval of the requests

TA Request Outbound: File is sent from ARMY IGNITED to EI

  • ARMY IGNITED students will submit a TA request to Army Counselor to receive funds for a class they are enrolled in
  • ARMY IGNITED will provide EIs with information on a student’s submitted TA Request, including the tuition amounts that the Army and student are responsible for
    • Finding an Education Center

      In some cases, Soldiers may not know how to get in touch with their education center. ArmyIgnitED has made it a little easier for them to locate theirs. For the inquiring Soldier:

    • Log into ArmyIgnitED, click Welcome, then click Account. This will take them into their Student Profile
    • Under their “Education Information” section, locate the “Education Center”. Make a note of it.
    • Up in the navigation ribbon, click the “Find Ed Center” tab.
    • Enter the education center name from the profile and click Search.
    • The Education Center information should display, including a physical address, email address, phone number, and hours of operation. They can also click View Profile to get even more information about their education center.
    • Alternatively, the Soldier can go straight to the “Find Ed Center” tab and enter their city/state or zip code to find all education centers in their area.

Grades Inbound: File is sent from to ARMY IGNITED

  • Students will report their grades and GPA values to ARMY IGNITED after a student’s course completion
  • ARMY IGNITED will utilize this grade information to close out the course workflows and confirm that a student’s GPA is up to date

Graduation Inbound: File is sent from EI to ARMY IGNITED

  • EIs will provide ARMY IGNITED with additional information regarding a student’s graduation
  • ARMY IGNITED will utilize this graduation information to close out Education Path workflows and confirm that a student’s information is up to date

Tuition Assistance