Chartfield Values
Business Unit—Each UH System component is defined as a business unit.
- 00730—University of Houston
- 00759—UH Clear Lake
- 00784—University of Houston-Downtown
- 00765—UH Victoria
- 00783—UH System Administration
- 00797—UH System Consolidated
Fund Code—Are coded by the type of money they represent.
- 1XXX—State
- 2XXX—Designated
- 3XXX—Auxiliary
- 4XXX—Restricted
- 5XXX—Grants
- 6XXX—Endow & Loans
- 7XXX—Plant
- 9XXX—Agency
Department ID—Each UH department is assigned a unique department code. The leading character is for the campus. The four numbers following are assigned sequentially.
- HXXXX—UH Departments
- CXXXX—UHCL Departments
- DXXXX—UHD Departments
- VXXXX—UHV Departments
- SXXXX—UHSA Departments
Program Code—Five digits are assigned to identify a non-project cost center. The five digits tell the purpose of the cost center by expenditure function. The expenditure function is related to NACUBO reporting.
- AXXXX—Instructional programs
- BXXXX—Research programs
- CXXXX—Public service
- DXXXX—Academic support
- EXXXX—Student services
- FXXXX—Institutional support
- GXXXX—Plant
- HXXXX—Scholarship
- IXXXX— Auxiliary
Project ID—Project cost centers use a common program. The uniqueness of the cost center is provided by the project id. Can be used for grants, capital and other projects. Project id is a seven-digit code.
- GXXXXXX—Grant or Sponsored Project
- PXXXXXX—Capital or Building Project
- AXXXXXX—Administrative Project
- IXXXXXX—Internal Award Project
Explanation of Chartfield Values - Account Description
Account—describes the nature of the transactions. Account uses a five-digit code. The first digit of the code describes the type of transaction.
Balance Sheet Items:
- 1XXXX—Asset
- 2XXXX—Liability
- 3XXXX—Fund Equity
Income Statement Items:
- 4XXXX—Revenue
- 5XXXX—Expense
Explanation of Chartfield Values - Budget Types and Reference
Budget Reference - Budget Reference is the period of time for which expenditures are planned and authorized.
- UHS has designed six digit budget period coding. Ex: BPXXXX
- UHS Budget Reference is equivalent to the Fiscal Year.
Budget Types
- Revenue (REVEST) Budgets – Represent authority to generate and collect revenue.
- Organization (ORG) Budgets – Represent expenditure budget for non-project/grant cost centers
- Project/Grant (PROJ_GRT) Budgets – Expenditure budget for project/grant cost centers.